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Reading Blog #1

I believe the ideas presented in this article are incredibly important right now, as a result of social media becoming as prevalent as it is today. The images we see on a daily basis are rarely working in our favor - they are either subtle advertisements, or images posted with the goal of keeping their viewer engaged for as long as possible, etc. It is almost always manipulation, and almost never for the sake of beauty or communication. That is not to say that it could not ever be more meaningful than our current reality, but I agree with Avgerinou that becoming more visually literate, as a whole, is the best way to approach the issue at hand.

I also agree that children are easily the most susceptible to this phenomenon. My sister works with middle school aged children, and has expressed concern many times about the amount of screen time her students have on a daily basis - some of them are on their phones for as long as fourteen hours a day! I worry that without the skills to discern what is working for them and what is working against them, young people are at the mercy of technology (myself included). Social media is something I struggle with constantly; having it is too much, not having it is too little. I believe that comprehending the full nature of the images we are bombarded with throughout our day may help to combat the helplessness we feel towards them.

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